金盞花花茶 Calendula Tea




有機花茶 Organic Tea 原產地:保加利亞 金盞花被譽為具最佳抗炎性藥草,它不僅美觀,更富含多種維生素,尤其是維生素A和維生素E,葉黃素、玉米黃質及β-胡蘿蔔素。金盞花茶是有名的花茶之一,它可以發汗利尿、清濕熱、降火氣、緩解失眠、神經衰弱和焦慮症、保護視力、養護腸機能、養肝明目、養顏美容、解毒消炎、消炎殺菌、促進血液循環、止痛、促進傷口癒合、緩解經痛、有助治療胃痛及胃潰瘍、保護消化系統、增強肝臟功能、刺激膽汁分泌,分解脂肪、在重感冒時飲用可利利尿、退燒。定期飲用, 可預防感冒、氣管炎等傳染疾病。

Rincian Produk

Calendula is known for its outstanding anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the most popular herbal teas.  This beautiful flower is rich in various vitamins, especially Vitamin A and Vitamin E, and antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene.  It has many health benefits.  It is sudorific and diuretic, can eliminate damp-heat in the body, reduce internal inflammation, mildly treat insomnia, relieve neurasthenia and anxiety, improve eyesight, restore skin’s natural radiance, strengthen circulation system, reduce pain and is cicatrizing, relieve menstrual discomfort, calm heartburn and peptic ulcers, strengthen digestive and liver functions, stimulate hepatic bile flow, and break down fats.  Calendula flowers also have antibacterial properties.  If having heavy cold symptoms, the herbal tea is diuretic and helps reduce fever.  Drinking Calendula tea as a general wellness can help prevent colds, bronchitis, and other related infectious diseases.

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